Online Planning Management and
Real-time Project Management

Web-Planning is an online planning software allowing you to manage
your resource planning and your "Gantt" projects in real time

planning online

Online Planning

Resource Planning

Managing your resources has never been so easy (Drag & Drop / Copy / Paste / etc ...)
Web-Planning includes a wide variety of views and configurations to suit your needs.
Synch & Real Time allow you to get a perfect collaborative exchange


Web-Planning integrates 10 additional dynamic analytical axes, making it possible to customize the detail of a task.


Activate dependencies to create links between your tasks, facilitating automatic rescheduling.


Locate your resources, clients and missions. Display distances and routes, in order to optimize your intervention routes.

project management

Project Management

Schedule from Gantt

Give yourself a new perspective in project leading.
Web-Planning is the only application that allows you to manage the resource planning from the Gantt chart. (Compare: Web-Planning vs MS-Project online)

Import - Export

Gain flexibility and security by importing and exporting your Gantt from / to MS-Project and MS-Excel.

Multi Project

Display several "Gantt" in parallel or
display resources planning under your Gantt, in order to identify the constraints.

Project summary

Have a global view on the progress of your projects. Analyze the advance - delay of phases by customers.

software planning online

Drive your business

Become more efficient

Web-Planning includes analysis and management tools.
Evaluate the time spent, the costs, the budget vs actual, the occupancy rate of your resources ...

Occupancy rate

Display the occupancy rate of your resources (Days / Weeks / Months).
Evaluate "Resources-Customers" distances

Sort, Export and Time Entry

List the tasks by clients, project, missions Export your tasks to Excel or perform a mass update.

Key Performance Indicators

Have a view on your key indicators:
Occupancy rate / Planned hours / Top 3 customers / Status / Business unit, etc.

Wherever you are, manage your projects and resource planning in an agile manner.
Collaborative enters a new era with



The collaborative is an essential feature of our solution.

Web-Planning ensures all users consistently the same level of information


User-friendliness and responsiveness make Web-Planning an easy-to-use tool for everyone!

Web-Planning a specialist software within the reach of neophytes


Web-Planning includes a lot of features which enables you to ease your daily routines.

With a few clicks you can analyze, share, export or import data, send emails, invitations or sms.


What would you think if you had the richest web app for a pittance?

Web-Planning is a specialist application at an unbeatable price with a
very responsive support.

Its elegance and functional richness are an
invitation to innovation and efficiency


Store, share and manage online your Gantt Diagram.

Web-Planning gathers the most powerful features to manage online & real time your Gantt Diagram. It is the only web application that combines planning and Gantt

Resource Planning

Intuitive features to manage your Resource's Planning

With Web-Planning, resources optimisation and real-time scheduling gives you a new advantage. Responsiveness and efficiency are increased

Analysis & Statistics

Pilot your Business & evaluate your time or cost spent

Managing resources planning also induces to perform analysis reports online. Web-Planning helps you to create interactive pivot tables & charts reports

Real time

A rich internet application that gives you freedom to evolve

With Web-Planning, collaboration enters a new space-time. Indeed, technology "Push Data" provides to all users instantly the same level of information


Don't limit yourself to just one platform and set you free with iOS & Android

The world is mobile and information fast.
Web-Planning lets you manage on the go and drive your activities in real time from your mobile devices

Security & Flexibility

High level of security, settings, and rights management.

Web-Planning includes wide possibilities configuration.
Flexibility gives you high personalization and your data is secure and encrypted

Our solution

Find all the useful information of our solution in these sections

Product details

Pricing & Plans



Contact us

Don't hesitate to contact us !

Shape your future scheduling with Web-Planning that brings you sleek design and refine functionalities.

Drop us a message and we'll be glad to answer.

Web-Planning UK

Tel: +44 (0)1233 652 763

"Give everyone more in use value than
you take from him in cash value.
Then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction."


1 Dover Place
Ashford,Kent TN23 1FB
United Kingdom

UK: +44 (0)1233 652 763
FR: +33  (0)643 702 601
SK: +421 (0)918 711 499